Tuesday, September 1, 2009




Newfoundland --the most easterly point of North America and our world's l6th largest island--on a map, it looks like a slice of Swiss cheese.  It is solid around the edges and lots of holes in the middle.  It was formed by the movement of tectonic plates, the ice age, and the ocean...a geologist paradise.
The settlements are mainly along the coast because of the island's geography and because fishing has been the mainstay.  Spain, Portugal, France, England began fishing here in the 15000's and are an integral part of the political history of Newfoundland.  Reports are that the Grand Banks off the southeast coast produced so much cod they could be "scooped from the water in buckets".
But cod fishing came to a halt in 1992 when cod stock had declined so that the government shut down cod fishing..over 40,000 people lost their job.  Today other fishing is permitted, but cod catch is limited to 5 a day and only for family consumption.
But, there is no shortage of moose..more moose than people.  Six moose were brought to Newfoundland from Nova Scotia around 1900..today there are over 120,000!!!  They amble across the highway, the show up on road signs as in "drive slow--moose for next 30 kms", they show up on menus as in mooseburgers, moose pizza, moose stew and they show up in conversation as in admonitions "don't drive at night..you might hit a moose!
Other interesting menus items:  cod tongues, halibut cheeks...and those wildberry pies--um, good!
A food conversation we had:  We are checking into our accommodation "Cozy Corner" before dinner and asked about a place to eat.  Pam, at the desk, describes multiple moose dishes: mooseburgers, moose soup, moose pizza.  Kristen asked if there were any vegetarian options. Pam looked a little puzzelled and replied, "Your're the first vegetarian I have ever met.  Maybe some have been here before but nobody said they were".  We had fish, salad and pie for dinner, but think we were the headlines for the day at Cozy Corner.
Things we noticed:  we never saw a chain fast food restaurant until we were in St. Johns, the capital city. 
 Very little traffic on the highways..maybe the moose are a deterant to cars! 
 Every little community has a "convenience store"...and that is the name on the front of the  store.  They sell canned and packaged food, nails, locally produced jams, work gloves, fishing tackle, crocheted/knitted wooly caps, mufflers, gloves, rent videos, sell lotto tickets, soft ice cream from a machine, etc.
Accents are a mix of some French, some Irish (esp on Atlantic side), Scots, English. And then there was: "here's some bread for ya's";   "There are 2 of-n-us with knee problems"
There were small gardens and large wood piles beside the highway--as on the public right of way.  When we inquired we were told this is public land and good soil, in this otherwise rocky terrain, for gardening.  The wood is cut from "Crown" land..offered by section each year for cutting...left by the side of road after being cut in the near-by woods and owner will gradually move it to their house before winter comes.  Every out building we saw was filled with a stockpile of  cut wood .
Most roofs had a ladder attached....its purpose was for climbing up to chimney for chimney cleaning.
A short conversation with a guide for a nature tour:  "What will we see on the tour?  Response: "Mostly shrubs and geology".  "Any birds?"  Response:  Well, yeah, but they go by so fast you can't see 'em so good."  We used that bird line alot for the rest of the trip.
About Nature:
We saw/identified over 40 wildflower varieties; exciting wildlife:  whales--our boat captain said a 30+ton one--My mouth dropped when I saw the broad back of that giant as he dived under our boat!  We saw a black bear at distance, a mink from our kayak as we were pulling close to shore, an  eagle just gliding by the harbor, a fox, and lots of seabirds: puffins, guillemots, cormorants, fulmars, gannets, Arctic tern...and of course moose.
And, when we were in the Northern Peninsula....I saw an iceberg floating by...almost as exciting as seeing the first whale!
We walked where the Vikings had landed in the year 1,000....some of Leif Ericson's people..L'Anse aux Meadows(evolved French name meaning "Bay of the Jellyfish")--now a national park/archaeological site.
In a little coastal village of Conche in an area called "the French Coast" we found a jewel....a tapestry is being embroidered by a group of village women that unfolds the history of this bit of coast line.  It will be l89ft long when completed next year....40 ft are on display in a small house museum now...we saw that display then were invited downstairs to see the work in progress.  What an accomplishment in so many ways!
So, this ends our sabbatical of travel......what a fantasic experience!  We have traveled over 55,000 miles in a period of l64 days; we have taken 35 flights, stayed in 70 various accommodations; Kristen and I have had 534 meals together; we have had untold laughs; met memorable folks; eaten pizza in every country visited and also, alot of peanut butter; shared some awesome sights:  Iguazu Falls, ARG; looking at the night sky thru telescopes in the Atacama dessert /Chile; landing on Easter Island--just a speck in the big Pacific--the list is long.
And, if you would like to know where all of this has led, take a look at   
Thank you for reading along with our journey....and happy trails to you,

Friday, August 28, 2009

Traveling North America: June-August 09

Long time since I was here..cause I was driving from Tennessee to Montana to British Columbia+3 more provinces then to Nashville; home for about 10 days then flew to Newfoundland and did a couple of weeks of driving there!  That is 6,000 mi +1,000mi.  All of this was made more fun because I had my dog, Bonnie, and my travel bud, Kristen with me for the 6,000 then Bonnie had enough of it and only Kristen for the last 1,000.
Rather than a mile by mile description, I am going to resort to highlights only.  I did like Kansas but really it is alot the same--wheat fields--when you are driving east to west.  Montana, however, is a different story.  We had a great week near Wise River(down the road from Wisdom) in SW Montana at Kristen's family cabin.  Bonnie loved that place--comfortable chairs to sleep in, walks, but could have done without those big thunderstorms.  Wise River is near Big Hole--a famous trout fishing area.
Our route then took us north through Helena (beautiful state capital bldg with a huge Charlie Russell painting in the House chamber), then Great Falls and a visit to the fantastic Lewis & Clark Museum right on the Missouri River.  How did they make that expedition??

Thru beautiful West Glacier National Park, across the Canadian border to Yoho National Park and to the little community of Field--our base for great hikes in the Canadian Rockies.  Waterfalls, emerald lakes, rivers, wildflowers, great trails and we loved being based in Field--totally untouristy.  Bonnie was happy here too---she liked Canada--impressed with their health care, too!  The big icefields near Jasper, an elk with a sporting a hugh rack---how can he manage a walk in the woods?.  We headed east across Saskatchawan-Manitoba and miles of wheat fields and the huge yellow fields of canola. At Winapeg we turned south crossed the US border into N. Dakota.  Now there was just Minnesota, Indiana, Kentucky to cover before Nashville.
Driving across the US was a good thing...I don't need to do it again for awhile though...
On to Newfoundland...later..

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2010
Hope you enjoy these last posted photos from Spain, Wales and Ireland.  These were only a few out of the hundreds of photos!  We had a great time...now on to Montana and Canada-east and west parts.
More to come....and out of this year of travels will come the 2010 KDavis Travels schedule..stay tuned...
Kristen-dressed for spring